Wednesday, Feb. 26
7:00p VOCES8 Concert at Trinity English (free-will offering to benefit the NC Synod in their hurricane cleanup efforts)
Tickets must be purchased in advance through Trinity English Lutheran Church. Click here for ticket information.
Thursday, Feb. 27
8:30a Morning Prayer
9:00a Welcome/Announcements
9:15a Skillshop: “It is right and proper: Small-scale liturgical music for the Sunday propers” – Daniel Schwandt
In this session, Dan will focus particularly on “incidental” liturgical music, such as for the propers. (Psalms, Gospel Acclamations, Introits)
10:15a Break
10:30a Skillshop: “Writing with Artistry for Smaller Ensembles” – Anne Krentz Organ
Participants will sing through several choral pieces for modest resources, and Anne will reflect on what she feels makes them successful.
11:45a Lunch/Round Table Discussion at Trinity English
12:45p Skillshop: “A Survey of Authors and Texts” – Wayne Wold
In addition to holding up some worthy authors, Wayne will reflect on under-represented topics for texts, the importance and potential impact of the texts we choose to sing, and the use of language we can old up—or avoid.
1:45p Break
2:00p Skillshop: “Composing for Instruments” – Adrian Mann, Luke Fitzpatrick, Andrew Hicks, Anne Lewellen
An informal “round robin” opportunity for participants to ask professional instrumentalists musical and notational questions, idiomatic for their instruments.
3:25p Break
3:40p “Share and Sing”
Participants are encouraged to bring a piece to share with the group for the purpose of receiving feedback. Groups will split into informal break-out sessions based on compositional experience. Offered in previous symposiums, this opportunity has been a favorite and helpful tool for composers.
5:00p Dinner on Your Own
7:00p Choral Eucharist at Trinity English
Symposium attendees are invited to join members of Trinity English for their regular weekly service. Special choral music will be offered by a small ensemble, led by Daniel Schwandt.
8:00p Social Time on Your Own
Friday, Feb. 28
8:30a Morning Prayer
9:00a Welcome/Announcements
9:15a Skillshop: “Discerning the Music Software that Is Right for You” – Kevin Uppercue
Kevin, an experienced music editor/engraver will reflect on some of the pros and cons of music software, offering opportunity for questions from participants.
10:15a Break
10:30a Skillshop “Tutorial on Dorico: Part 1” – Kevin Uppercue
Helpful tips on where to begin with the music software. NOTE: If there is interest, tutorials that focus on Sibelius and/or MuseScore will be offered during this time.
11:45a Lunch/Round Table Discussion at Trinity English
1:15p Skillshop: “Tutorial on Dorico: Part 2” – Kevin Uppercue
A continuation from the previous tutorial. NOTE: If there is interest, tutorials that focus on Sibelius and/or MuseScore will be offered during this time.
2:30p Break
2:45p Skillshop – Importing Your XML/MXL Files: Best Practices – Kevin Uppercue
Kevin will help attendees understand how to convert their existing files into new software.
4:00p Free Time
Optional casual conversation for those who have further software questions.
5:00p Dinner on Your Own and Free Evening for Conversation/Socializing
Saturday, Mar. 1
8:30a Morning Prayer
9:00a Final Announcements
9:15a Panel Discussion: Where Do We Go from Here? – Nancy Raabe, Moderator; David Sims; Jeremy Bakken; Kevin Simons
The panel will lead us in an information conversation reflecting on voids in music for worship, challenges for composers and publishers, and other topics that surface during the symposium.
10:30a Prayer of Sending
7:00p (Optional) Concert featuring the Castle Singers and Kammerstreicher of Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa – First Wayne Street United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne
Sunday, Mar. 2
10:30a (Optional) The Castle Singers and Kammerstreicher of Wartburg College will participate in the Sunday liturgy at Trinity English Lutheran Church.