The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
Music is a vital expression of Lutheran worship. The church’s song takes many forms and is expressed in many ways. By sharing the knowledge, experience and passion that honor our heritage and inspire our future, ALCM nurtures and equips those who lead music in worship. ALCM offers practical education programs and diverse resources through conferences, publications and fellowship to serve musicians of all types – from paid professionals to volunteers. By connecting servant leaders to one another and by cultivating their musical gifts, ALCM supports worshipping communities in the proclamation of the gospel.
2025 National Worship
and Music Conference
ALCM Community
Fourth Fridays: “Talk shop” and socialize with other ALCM members live on the fourth Friday of every month at 6PM ET on Zoom.
Membership in ALCM
Learn about the many benefits of membership in ALCM and/or apply to become a member.
Explore the advertising opportunities available in ALCM print & electronic publications.
Issues of ALCM publications, recordings of hymn festivals, and other ALCM branded products are available in the Marketplace.
Donate to ALCM
Your donation to ALCM will help advance our mission to equip musicians for service in the church.
Members receive the journal CrossAccent as well as the more practical In Tempo, both published three times per year. In addition, a monthly e-newsletter keeps members and others up to date on news and events.
Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Music. The deadline for applications is October 1, 2024.
Our next webinar features Candace Sutter who will lead a session exploring worship leadership and performance. Learn more at
“What Wondrous Love”
Did you miss the 2023 biennial conference in Philadelphia? You can still purchase a virtual registration, which will give you access to all recorded events: workshops, plenaries, reading sessions, worship services, and concerts. Click to purchase all conference recordings.
Virtual Hymns
These three ALCM virtual hymns are available for use with no additional permission.
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
O Day, Full of Grace
Angels We Have Heard on High
Resources to assist congregations in the process of searching for and hiring a musician.
What’s new for members?
Members must log in to access the following:
New instrumental hymn arrangements
100 top CCLI songs with commentary
Newest In Tempo and CrossAccent issues
Member Quicklinks
ALCM members are . . .
- Organists, pianists, choir directors, instrumentalists, praise band and instrumental ensemble leaders, and handbell directors
- Lutherans and non-Lutherans working in Lutheran and non-Lutheran congregations
- Full-time, part-time, volunteer, retired church musicians, and others who share an interest in music in the Lutheran tradition
- Musicians, pastors, teachers, choir members, worship and music committee members, and other interested lay people
- Musicians with a high level of training, musicians with a modest amount of training, and musicians who are primarily self-trained