
Workshops focusing on specific skills, theories behind, and philosophies of church music are the meat and potatoes of ALCM’s conferences. These present opportunities to connect with leaders in the field and with one another to determine best practices for church music ministry.

Planned topics for workshops at For all that is to be include:

  • Choral workshops led by VOCES8
  • Organ/Keyboard workshops led by Tom Trenney and Chad Fothergill
  • Children’s Choir workshops led by Karol Kinard Kimmell
  • Handbell workshops
  • Contemporary worship workshops led by Mark Johanson and Linda Borecki
  • Worship planning workshops
  • Technology workshops (music notation software, streaming, and copyrights)
  • Preaching workshops led by Duke faculty

Check this page for more details as they are confirmed.

Abracadabra: Discovering the ‘magic’ of musical improvisation Tom Trenney

Join Tom Trenney for an interactive and engaging exploration of organ improvisation. Emphasizing basic, practical techniques that can grow with musicians of any ability, this workshop will open your mind, spark your imagination, and boost your confidence.

Best of the Best in Truly Contemporary Christian Music Linda Borecki

Songs and tips for implementation of contemporary hymns/songs, published within the last 10 years, for the smaller church with limited resources and musicians.

Linda Borecki is a strong advocate of tuneful melodies and simple rhythms which average worshipers and musicians can learn quickly, wedded to strong texts that reflect Lutheran sensibilities, with a cost-effective investment for smaller churches.  There are works written in this last decade by younger composers wanting a return to congregational, not performative, singing. This will be a joyful exploration of some of the significant current Christian composers and their accessible, memorable hymns.

A Biblical Basis for the Church’s Paul D. Weber and Florence M. Jowers

This workshop will share a theology of music based on scripture with supporting texts and music from the collection, So Great a Cloud of Witnesses, and will reaffirm how Bible and hymnal are foundational for the vocation of minister, musician, the worshiping community, and the life of the baptized. Worship statements of ALCM from 2003 and 2016 will be distributed along with a handout to provide context.

Children’s Choir – Make Every Minute Count Karol Kinard Kimmell

Keep your singers engaged with these fun, easy to implement, purposeful rhythmic, singing, and lyric-learning activities that lead to good choral tone, excellent diction and quick, solid learning of anthems and hymns. Receive recruitment ideas and repertoire suggestions for the liturgical year including new and tried-and-true anthems.

Demystifying Copyright Katie Deaver

Join the ONE LICENSE Team as we demystify copyright! We know that navigating copyright can sometimes feel overwhelming. At ONE LICENSE, we focus on an educational and proactive approach to copyright and licensing. We want to help you feel confident that you understand copyright and licensing basics as well as how to get the most out of your ONE LICENSE permissions.

Enriching the Liturgy with Handbells and Handchimes Ed Tompkins

This hands-on bells workshop will explore ways to use bells and chimes in liturgical worship using small groups of people. Find resources to inspire your creativity to add ringing sounds to the liturgy.

Everybody Sings: Cultivating Inclusion In and Through Worship Lee Anderson & Meek Squad 

How might spaces of worship be inclusive, particularly in regard to Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities? Why does it matter? How do we get there? Members of the band Meek Squad will share their songs and stories in this workshop that explores ways in which worship music might embody the diversity of god’s Kingdom and reflect the beauty of the Gospel.

Keyboard Gems James Marriott

From Paul Manz’s “God of Grace” to the classic chorale preludes of Blersch, Behnke, and Burkhardt, this session will celebrate (or perhaps introduce you to!) some classic keyboard gems.  Led by professor and life-long church musician Rev. Dr. Jim Marriott, this session will include music from various genres and for various ability levels.

The Organs of Duke University Chapel Chad Fothergill

In addition to their outstanding craftsmanship and distinct tonal palettes, the organs of Duke University Chapel are marked by colorful histories and personalities—including a legendary (if not apocryphal) encounter on a transatlantic voyage and a terse letter from a Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. This workshop presents a brief history of the Chapel and the stories of its five pipe organs by Aeolian (1932), Flentrop (1974 and 1976), Brombaugh (1997), and the Bennett and Giuttari continuo organ (2014). Included in the presentation will be discussion of how the instruments are used in worship, for weekly organ demonstrations, and how they are kept in optimal condition. Although time and architecture—narrow passageways and confined keydesks—will not permit visits to each instrument, participants will be invited to encounter the organs through photographs, videos, and recordings, as well have opportunity to ask questions about the instruments as heard in the conference’s gathering eucharist.

Pragmatic Practices for Building a High-Achieving Music Program David Jernigan

10 years ago, the choirs of Christ Church, Raleigh, struggled to sing a simple 1-page a cappella carol. Today they regularly sing, record, and tour with some of the most complex repertoire in all of classical sacred Western music. This workshop details the steps we took to transform our music program from struggling to prospering.

Preaching from the Choir: Remembering our vocation and recommitting to our calling as church musicians Tom Trenney

We church musicians are so busy serving others, we often neglect our own spiritual lives.  In this workshop, we will explore our vocation as organists, conductors, ministers, performers, and pastoral musicians.   While most trade workshops deal with the ‘how to,’ this one will deal with the ‘why do…’  Tom Trenney will share stories and reflections, inviting us all to remember, refresh and reaffirm our commitment to music ministry.

Preaching Year A: Finding the Challenge and Invitation in the Text CeCe Mills

This workshop will help the preacher excavate the God’s challenge and invitation within the text so that the hearer will feel propelled into action. The preached moment turns into the mission launch on a weekly basis through separate homiletical offerings or sermon series.

Sing to ADONAI a New Song: Singing the Psalms in the Twenty-First Century Ellen F. Davis and Zebulon Highben

For centuries, monastic orders and other faith communities have prayed the Book of Psalms cyclically from beginning to end. In the twentieth century, many Christian traditions reclaimed the importance of responsive psalmody in the liturgy of the Eucharist, leading to a plethora of musical settings, from simple chant to congregational antiphons, responsive readings to complex choral arrangements.  
In preparation for the release of a new ecumenical hymnal from Duke University Chapel and MorningStar Music Publishers, a new translation of the Psalms was created by Dr. Ellen F. Davis, Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of Bible and Practical Theology at Duke University. This contemporary translation seeks to be faithful to the ethos, content, and structure of the original Hebrew, while employing language and prosody appropriate for the corporate voice of the worshiping assembly. Davis and Zebulon Highben, Director of Chapel Music and Associate Professor of the Practice of Church Music, will unpack the translation decisions and musical choices that shaped this new psalter. Participants will sing several of the new translations (to tones both familiar and novel) as a part of the workshop.

Sourcing and Implementing Music for Contemporary Worship Mark Johanson

Your congregation might want the latest praise and worship songs, but knowing how to source quality materials and use them successfully with your contemporary ensemble can present challenges; no two ensembles are the same, and not everything on the internet is worth your ministry dollars! Attendees of this workshop will obtain start-to-finish strategies of how to choose quality contemporary worship music that reflects our theology and contributes to quality worship. We’ll have a casual reading session of some good—and not-so-good—worship materials, and then discover best practices for selecting, and subsequently implementing, new songs based on the skills of your music team.

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Marsha Anderson

Explore this ancient rhythm of prayer. Encounter God using all five senses, receiving renewal, challenge, and grace.