In memoriam: Susan Louise Palo Cherwien, 1953-2021 / Samuel Torvend
Resisting Cultural Appropriation in Hymnody / Jan Rippentrop Schnell
Authenticity in Inculturation: Some Lessons from the Development of the Xerente Community / Marcos Krieger
The Serious Nature of the Quodlibet in Bach’s “Goldberg Variations” / Michael Marissen
Of Pulsing Rhythms and Moving Bodies: Aspects of an Incarnational Musicology / Omaldo Perez
Report: Theological Symposium (Concordia Theological Seminary) “What Is Lovely: The Role of Beauty in Theology and Ministry” / James Marriott
Review: Igniting Choral Rehearsals: With Efficiency, Artistry, and Motivation by Michael Kemp / Brandon Dean
Review: Voices United: A congregational Song Podcast” by The Center for Congregational Song / Clayton Faulkner
Review: Moments in the Life of Brother Roger (DVD) by Ateliers et Presses de Taizé in collaboration with Péter Pál Tóth (Producers) / Christine Larsen
Bookshelf: An Anti-Racist Church Musician