Candace Sutter Webinar 9/27/24: Leadership vs. “Performance” in Modern Church Worship




Ever have a parishioner say to you, “Are you getting ready for the entertainment?” Sadly, many traditional churches have had one or more members with this type of commentary when it comes to modern worship. Candace addressed the topic of being a worship leader and the problems and solutions that may be resolved as a leader, whether a church is new to modern worship or has been doing modern worship for a time.  She also addressed how musicians can effectively lead worship with an emphasis on what the HOLY SPIRIT is doing through us, rather than on OUR actions. The presentation emphasized igniting the flame fueled by God’s Word while carrying the message through to our congregations, enhancing worship that is meaningful and truthful to God’s Word and intentions.

Candace Sutter is a Christian artist and Composer/Director of Worship at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church in Loudon, Tennessee.