Website Abington Presbyterian Church
Prepare and play for worship services including all service music Sundays at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and for all additional services on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, and other festivals as scheduled.
Right of first refusal to regularly play for funerals and weddings, with set fees being paid by the respective parties.
Prepare for and accompany regular and special rehearsals for the adult, youth, and children’s choirs, worship soloists, and for major works, serving as needed as accompanist, leader for sectional rehearsals, solo coach, or assistant conductor at times. This normally includes an added orchestra rehearsal (Monday) and dress rehearsal (Saturday) for 2-4 Oratorio Choir programs and often a Saturday workshop rehearsal for one or several of these events, plus extended final rehearsals and an added dress rehearsal for children’s choir musical in the spring. Accompany the Chapel Youth Choir on its annual (weekend) choir tour in the spring.
Greater detail is available in extended descriptive documents on the webpage for the position posting:
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