ALCM Publications

CrossAccent, journal of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, is published and sent to our members and subscribing libraries three times a year. Volumes contain scholarly and informative articles which explore theological, musicological, hymnological, sociological, liturgical, historical and practical issues for the Lutheran Church musician, as well as an extensive review section of books, recordings, and musical publications. View a sample of CrossAccent.

CrossAccent welcomes the submission of manuscripts for publication consideration. Authors should use the most recent edition of The Chicago Manual of Style when preparing their papers. Manuscripts are subject to a review process, and should be sent as a MS Word document to Clayton FaulknerCrossAccent editor.

All issues of CrossAccent are available for purchase in both paper and electronic format. Library subscriptions are available for $60 per year and may be set up through a vendor or direct billing. Contact the ALCM office for more information.

In tempo is ALCM’s practical resource, published three times per year and sent to all members. It features articles and essays devoted to the practice of church music. Issues are seasonally and topically themed and address various aspects of the vocation of the church musician, including worship planning, musical performance and composition, and spirituality and self-care. View a sample issue of In Tempo.

Become a member of ALCM and have access to all issues of both CrossAccent and In tempo.


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