Advertise in ALCM Publications
There are numerous advertising opportunities available in ALCM print and electronic publications, all of which have a distribution of approximately 1,900. If your business or event deals with worship or music, we invite you to consider advertising in one or more of our publications.
- Our mission is to nurture and equip musicians to serve and lead the church’s song.
- We reach a wide cross-section of worship leaders in the Lutheran tradition: pastors, musicians, educators, artists, and lay leaders.
- We promote collegiality, education, and inspiration through publications, meetings, seminars, national and regional conferences, recordings, videos, and service.
The Publications and 2025 Pricing & Specifications documents detail deadlines, specifications, sizes, and pricing. In addition to advertising in our regular publications, our conferences provide opportunities for insertions to welcome packets and advertising in the conference books. Electronic ads may be placed in our monthly e-newsletter and on the interior pages of our web site. If you have questions about advertising or to reserve ad space in our publications, please contact Cheryl Dieter, advertising coordinator, by e-mail or by phone at 800-624-2526.
Printable documents:
ALCM print & electronic publications
View a sample issue of CrossAccent