Give to ALCM
Thank you for considering a gift to the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM). Your gift can help advance ALCM’s ongoing mission to equip our members for faithful service to the church, provide print and online resources to assist them in their work, host national and local conferences and workshops, provide an online job listing service, and much, much more!
There are a variety of ways in which you can financially support the work of ALCM:
Monetary Gifts
Our membership base is strong, but membership fees alone cannot support ALCM’s mission. Monetary gifts given to the annual fund support the ongoing operations of the organization. Gifts may also be made in support of the scholarship fund, which supports the raising up of future musicians within the church.
Gifts may be made by credit card by completing our online donation form or by calling 800-624-2526. Please let us know if this gift is being given in memory or honor of someone, so that we can send notifications of the gift as appropriate. Checks may be made payable to “Association of Lutheran Church Musicians” or “ALCM” and sent to:
810 Freeman Street
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Planned Giving
ALCM invites members, supporters and friends of Lutheran music to include ALCM as a beneficiary when establishing/revising wills, estate plans or congregational asset disbursement plans. Designations of specific dollar amounts or a percentage of assets are two common ways to leave a legacy to ALCM through estate and disbursement plans. Gifts to ALCM made in this way at the end of life are permanently restricted to the ALCM Endowment Fund where only the investment returns on the principal are used to further the ALCM mission.
If you would like a professional financial planner to help you explore your options, organizations specializing in advising individuals interested in supporting Lutheran charities include:
- Thrivent Financial
- Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing™
- LCMS Foundation
- ELCA Foundation
- WELS Foundation
Individuals and congregations who generously include ALCM in their long-term plans are listed as ALCM Covenant Society Members in ALCM print publications in perpetuity. If you have included ALCM in your plans, please inform us by emailing the ALCM executive director at [email protected].
Thrivent Choice
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans supports certain non-profits by allowing its eligible members to direct charitable funds to the organization through its “Thrivent Choice” program. If you are a member of Thrivent and are eligible to direct “Choice Dollars,” please select ALCM as a recipient. There are two ways to do this:
- Go to and log in to your account. Go to the “Search Organizations” page and type: “association of lu” in the organization name box and click the “Search” button. Select “Association of Lutheran Church Musicians” and follow the instructions for directing your Choice Dollars to ALCM.
- Call 1-800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the greeting.