1245 West Hamilton Street
Allentown PA 18102
Hymns in Worship: Caring, Choosing, Creating
Pastors and Musicians are invited to come to this workshop to explore questions around songs and hymns sung together in assembly. Questions include Why do we sing? What is a good hymn text? A good hymn tune? How do we move from likes and dislikes to using the gift of discernment in choosing hymns?
In the afternoon we will spend some time considering descants, and write some as a group. We will also sing together, using hidden treasures in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, and introducing new hymns from All Creation Sings and Songs for the Holy Other.
The Rev. Janice Butz currently serves as the Minister of Music at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Nazareth, PA where she serves as organist and director of vocal choirs from children through adults. She is an ordained clergy member of the United Methodist Church and currently serves on the Board of the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.
Deacon Michael Krentz is Director of Music and Organist at Christ Lutheran Church, Allentown, PA. Dr. Krentz is Secretary/Treasurer of The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. He has been convener of the Worship Team of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the ELCA and is a past-Dean of the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Previously he taught hymnody (and other things) at The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia for nine years.
Andrew Lutz-Long is Associate Director of Music and Networking at Christ Lutheran Church, Allentown. He directs vocal ensembles, assists in worship leadership, and connects with community partners. Previously Drew served as Director of Music MInistries at Trinity Lutheran Church in Perkasie for 15 years. He is also College Organist and an Adjunct Professor at Muhlenberg College, Artistic Director of the Valley Choral Society, and directs the Summer Harmony Men’s Chorus.
The Rev. Nancy M. Raabe is pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Hatfield, PA. She has published piano, organ, choral, and liturgical pieces for use in worship. Last summer she was an Engle Preaching Fellow at Princeton Theological Seminary, and her books include One-Minute Devotions for the Church Musician and a biography of composer Carl Schalk. Nancy is President of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians.
9:00 – Registration
9:15 – Gathering in Song – Chancel
9:45 – Why Do We Sing Hymns in Our Assemblies (Pastor Nancy Raabe)
10:15 – Break
10:30 – Tad Talk #1
10:45 – Moving from Likes and Dislikes to Discernment (Deacon Michael Krentz)
11:45 – Lunch
12:45 – Tad Talk #2
1:00 – Panel: Pastor and Musician: Caring for Hymns and People Together
1:30 – Descants
2:15 – Hymn Showcase (All Creation Sings, Songs for the Holy Other)
3:00 – Closing Prayer & Depart