65 E Main St.
Mendham NJ 07945
So Many Choices, How Do I Decide?
With so much music out there, how do you decide which anthems to sing? Come to Grace Lutheran in Mendham, NJ for a workshop where you and other church musicians will consider how to select choral anthems. Participants will consider musical aspects such as choral parts, accompaniment, and text as well as the many issues related to planning the choir season and scheduling anthems. Participants will also explore how to introduce new music to a congregation by way of an introduction to All Creation Sings, the new worship resource from Augsburg Fortress. Lunch will be provided.
8:30-9:15: Check-in and welcome
9:15-11:30: Workshops
11:45-12:30: Worship
12:30-1:30: Lunch
1:45-3:00: Workshop and closing
Margaret Erath has a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Therapy from Elizabethtown College, where she studied both organ and voice. She has worked as an organist and/or choir director for 30 years. Margaret currently serves at Grace Lutheran Church in Mendham, NJ, where she has worked as the Choir Director for the past 19 years. She directs the Chancel Choir, the Handbell Choir, and an a cappella ensemble. Margaret also works at The Community of St John Baptist, an Episcopal Convent in Mendham NJ, where she has been the organist for 22 years.
Adam Lefever Hughes is the Education Coordinator for the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, Organist at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lancaster, PA, and a freelance writer who has contributed to resources surrounding All Creation Sings.