511 Groveland
Minneapolis MN 55403
Love One Another – Twin Cities Children’s Choir Festival 2025
An ecumenical children’s choir festival on March 15, featuring rehearsals, education for musicians, and a hymn festival.
This Twin Cities Children’s Choir Festival is open to students of all ages from any congregation or community choir, or any child who simply loves to sing. Mari Espeland, who works with children’s choirs at Mount Olive Lutheran Church (Minneapolis), will lead the elementary choir for children in 1st-5th grades. Dr. Jennaya Robison, artistic director of the National Lutheran Choir, will lead a youth choir for ages 6th-grade and older. Changing/changed voices are welcome!
While the children and youth are rehearsing, directors will have the opportunity to attend a workshop with Sara Lukkasson, director of music at the Blake School. Sara will help you incorporate Orff ideas into your rehearsals even if you don’t have access to Orff instruments in your context. Rebekah Schulz, children’s choir director at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, will share her expertise of working with neurodivergent kids and techniques to help engage and include everyone in your children’s choir. You will also have the opportunity to sit in on choir rehearsals with Mari and Jennaya.
The registration fee includes lunch for everyone and music, folders, and t-shirts for the child participants.
- The fee includes music, lunch, and a t-shirt. You will receive music shortly after registering. Most music will be emailed with permission to print the copies you need.
- Costs: $25 per director; $15 per child/youth participant. Credit card and paypal are accepted through the registration form, or you may mail a check.
- If this exceeds your budget, scholarship money is available (email Sally Messner at sally.messner@haumc.org).
This event is sponsored by the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, Choristers Guild, and Hennepin Avenue UMC.
9:30a: Check in
10:00-10:50: Workshop I
11:15-12:05: Workshop II
12:15: Lunch
1:00-1:45: Open rehearsal
2:00-3:00: Hymn festival
Uyai Mose/Come, All You People
Lead With Love/One Foot by Melanie DeMore
A Love Round arr. Nancy Gifford
Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us With Your Love
Love Consecrates the Humblest Act arr. Michael Burkhardt
You are Made by Jennaya Robison
All God’s Children by Baker Lawrimore
I Choose Love by Mark Miller
A Lenten Love Song by Helen Kemp
Caminemos con Jesús (Let Us Walk with Jesus)