45 North Chestnut Street
PA 17078
Thomas Keesecker in Concert at Palmyra Church of the Brethren 45 N. Chestnut St, Palmyra, Sunday, May 17, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Good-will offering received.
Thomas Keesecker will perform music from his bestselling “Quiet Series” piano collections in an hourlong program of piano music, congregational song, and poetry. Tom is a well-known Lutheran musician and composer. Tom’s informal folksy programs have been compared to a show featuring Garrison Keillor and George Winston. A pastor described Tom’s piano style as a blend of Paul Manz and Thelonious Monk! People have been touched by his arrangements of Beautiful Savior, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, There is a Balm in Gilead, and his Celtic and Jazz influenced stylings of other well-known hymns. In 2019, he gave performances in churches from Minnesota to Florida. CDs of his music will be available for purchase at the performance.