Hours per week: 3-4 services per month
When position is available: November
Salary Range: $150 per service
Contact Name: Samantha Haldeman
Website Redeemer Lutheran Church
Redeemer Lutheran Church at 500 Pearl Street, Lancaster, PA 17603 is seeking a long term substitute organist to play at 3 to 4 services per month for $150 per service for 6 or more months, with the option of extending beyond that time with a salary commensurate with qualifications and any additional duties assumed. Those interested should contact Kim at redeemerluth@yahoo.com. Please submit your name, address, phone #, email, as well as a record of your training, employment history and references.
Street Address: 500 Pearl St
Zip Code/Postal Code: 17603
Phone: 717-371-6464