• City: Baltimore
  • Part Time
  • MD - Maryland
  • Mar 29, 2025
  • Church body: ELCA
Hours per week: 20
When position is available: July
Salary Range: $22,000-$27,000
Contact Name: Irene Duerr

Website Zion Lutheran Church of the City of Baltimore

Job Responsibilities
 Prepare and provide inspiring music appropriate to the liturgical calendar for two worship
services every Sunday (9:30 a.m. German and 11:00 a.m. English) to include preludes, hymns,
liturgy and postludes (service times may change in the future).
 Provide organ music for weekly Wednesday mid-day prayer services at 12:20 p.m.
 Provide organ music for seasonal services, including, but not limited to Ash Wednesday, Holy
Week, Easter, Christmas Eve, and other special worship occasions.
 Review musical aspects of the worship services with the Pastors on a weekly basis.
 Develop a choral music program to enhance worship services within Zion’s Music budget. Tasks
would include recruiting singers, selecting repertory, and facilitating rehearsals.
 Arrange for substitute organists and contract for additional instrumentalists, as needed.
 Develop professional competency by participating in continuing education activities specific to
church music directors.
 Supervise maintenance of the organ and other musical instruments owned by the church,
entrusting that work to qualified and trained professionals.
 Oversee maintenance of Zion’s music library.
 Attend monthly Worship and Music committee meetings.
 Work with the Pastors and families to coordinate the music components for weddings, funerals,
installations, etc.
 Collaborate with the Pastors and Worship and Music Committee in hosting concerts by guest
musicians or ensembles.


Please refer to the website for more information.

Street Address: 400 E. Lexington Street
Zip Code/Postal Code: 21202
Phone: 410-727-3939

To apply for this job email your details to baltimorezion@gmail.com