Prayers are requested for ALCM copy editor Anne-Marie Bogdan. Two days before Thanksgiving she will be having a shunt put into her brain to alleviate problems with drainage in cerebrospinal fluid. Anne-Marie has had numerous serious medical issues and challenges over the past decade and would welcome your prayers.

Here is a November 26 update from Anne-Marie:

Blessings to you this Thanksgiving/Advent-tide, and blessings that I have received. The surgeon, when he talked to Steve after my surgery Tuesday, said that the cranial pressure was “significantly” higher than expected, so it was good they did the surgery.

I am home already and, aside from aches from the bruising, doing well. I feel like I lost 10 pounds—the neuro people said I would feel less like my feet were “glued” to the floor, and I do.

I came home from the hospital last night. That amazes me: that they can drill into your skull, insert something into your brain, and you can go home two days later. God be praised.
