Partnership Program

ALCM is seeking to establish long-term partnerships with Lutheran congregations, college/universities, and other institutions that support ALCM’s mission: to nurture and equip musicians to serve and lead the church’s song. This partnership program aims to bring ALCM closer to other organizations by enabling collaborative opportunities in programming. These events can be developed jointly between ALCM and the hosting entity (public events such as hymn festivals, special worship services, Hearts * Hands* Voices workshops, dedicated concerts, among other possibilities). Monies received from these partnership events will be directed toward expanding ALCM’s outreach activities, recruitment, and educational efforts at the local and national levels.

Participating institutions will become ALCM hosting sites and be recognized as partners in mission. Similarly, participating church musicians, educators, and leaders who join us in this promising venture become ambassadors for the organization. The goal of this project is for ALCM to develop new and stronger connections with other institutions, as well as to help the Association become better known within the Lutheran community. If you have a passion for ALCM and its future and would like more information about how you can participate in this program, please send an email to

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