Prelude: My Being Sings to You: Hymnody in Lutheran Worship / Clayton Faulkner
Worship in a New Key: Match Game: Hymns and Modern Worship Songs / Brian “Chris” Clay
Spirit and Truth: Murmuration / Michael L. Burk
The Pastoral Musician: It’s Always about the People! / Meghan A. Benson
Assembly Required: Best Practices for Musicians / Tim Getz
Contextualized Mission and Worship: A Genealogy of Mission through Hymnody at Kyushu Lutheran College / Jacqueline bencke
God’s Treasure Laid in Our Broken Live / Paul Westermeyer
For Choir and Congregation: The Evolution of the Lutheran Cantional in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centures / Markus Rathey
Hymns: The Original Soul Music / Laura Petrie
Review: “Four by Four” Hymnal Review: All Creation Sings; Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy; Songs of Justice, Peace, and Love; Voices Together / Lorraine Brugh, Karin Larsen, Mallory Morris, and Blake Scalet
Review: Christian Worship: Hymnal / Joseph Herl
Bookshelf: Recommended Hymn Resources
Postlude: From the ALCM Executive Director / Jim Rindelaub