CD 6 – So Much To Sing About


The hymns of Jaroslav Vajda
David Schack and Paul Westermeyer. Meyerson Symphony Center, Dallas, TX (8/2001) [CS #6]

See below for contents.

SKU: CS#6 Category:


David Schack, organist & Paul Westermeyer, narrator
Recorded live at the Meyerson Symphony Center
Dallas, Texas
August 2001

1. Now the Silence
2. God, Who Built This Wondrous Planet
3. Gather Your Children
4. So Much to Sing About
5. Source of Breath from Time’s Beginning
6. God of the Sparrow
7. Shine like Stars
8. Lord of Lords, Adored by Angels
9. Up through Endless Ranks of Angels
10. When You Woke That Thursday Morning
11. See This Wonder in the Making
12. Catch the Vision! Share the Glory!
13. Go, My Children, with My Blessing

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Recording Type