03/02/2024 @ 8:30 am – 3:15 pm
United Lutheran Seminary - Gettysburg Campus
$50 ($35 online)
Adam Lefever Hughes

We regret that the seminary had to cancel this event. Check back for future events in this area.

Come to the Gettysburg campus of United Lutheran Seminary on March 2 for a day of learning, fellowship, and singing together. ALCM is hosting several sessions troughout the dayfocusing on skills and resources for a variety of musicians and is especially welcoming to those who have been “voluntold” into the role. With workshops on psalm singing, teaching new music, and making the organ accessible for pianists, this workshop is a must-attend for anyone looking to hone their skills in service to congregational song.


8:30-9:00 – Registration and Coffee, Refectory
9:00-10:00 – Opening Song and Keynote Lecture, Chapel with Cathy Elkiss and Dr. Nelson Strobert
10:00-11:30 – You Want ME to Play the Organ!!?: Approaching the king of instruments and its repertoire for pianists and beginning organists, Cathy Elkiss
11:30-12:30 – Lunch
12:30-2:00 – Using the first 150 Hymns: Psalm-singing to Make Sense with Mark Oldenburg
2:00-2:15 – Break
2:15-3:45 – Introducing New Music with All Creation Sings with Adam Lefever Hughes


Organist, pianist, choral director Cathy Elkiss serves as Cantor at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Gettysburg and as Chapel Organist at the Gettysburg campus of United Lutheran Seminary (ULS).

Adam Lefever Hughes is the education coordinator for the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians and Director of Music at First Presbyterian Church in Lancaster, PA.

Mark Oldenburg is Steck-Miller Professor Emeritus of the Art of Worship at United Lutheran Seminary. Along with articles on the church year and Lutheran history and worship, he is a published author of hymn texts.